Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Another Week!

Just a quick update. Went to my ultrasound appt today and at 35wks Baby A is measuring 4.6lbs and Baby B is 5.7lbs! Hurray, I have one over 5lbs, now Baby A needs to get there. I have told Jesse the whole time that I do not want to deliver unless both babies weigh over 5lbs. The Dr. came in and talked to me when the scan was done and told me to continue to rest and he will see me the following week. I guess my OB was wrong again, but I am thankful because I have my 11yo 6th grade promotion on Thursday and I can't miss it.

I have a NST appt tomorrow, my OB appt Friday, and another ultrasound appt on Monday. Things are moving along and I have almost hit my goal of at least 37wks!

Monday, June 17, 2013

Stop Getting My Hopes Up!

I will start with the easy part of this past week. All my NST appts have been pretty simple. In and out in an hr or less!

I saw my OB on Thursday and everything was fine. I am 34wks now measuring as that of a 45wk pregnant person, my BP has been pretty good lately, and babies heartbeats were great. The only thing that I am a little stressed about is the babies ultrasound results from the Tuesday before. The babies weight discordance has gone up to 17% from 15% since about 26wks. I am not to afraid just because the Peri had told me previously they usually don't start to worry until it hits 20%. I have another apt on Tuesday with the Peri office again and my OB warned me to not be surprised if he decides it's time to deliver that week. The thing is she keeps telling me that and every time I go I am expecting it and don't hear it so my hopes are up for nothing. That being said we will see if I actually see the Dr this appt because the last two times I have gone I have only seen the ultrasound tech.

I am actually hoping not to hear that I am delivering next week (yes even though I am so over this pregnancy) only because my daughter has her 6th grade "promotion" on Thursday. I wouldn't miss that for the world. I have to be there so if I get a call saying we want to go ahead and deliver I will straight out say not until after Thursday morning!

I even finally got a belly shot today. Since we were out celebrating fathers day I took the moment to do a photo op since for once I was dressed and had my hair done!

Well that's it for now. Hope you all had an amazing Fathers Day!

Sunday, June 9, 2013

Everyone Gets At Least One Right?

Well here it is. My whine post. Everyone should be entitled to at least one!

Let me start by telling you about all the pregnancy symptoms I had with my 2 singleton pregnancy's.
  • mild food aversions
  • tired
Now let me tell you about all the wonderful symptoms I am having with this twin pregnancy.
  • Morning sickness from weeks 4-15. Not extreme like some people. I wasn't throwing up constantly. In fact I would say I maybe threw up 7 times. I just had this constant feeling of stomach flu. I couldn't eat and lost weight during that first trimester. I had to take Zofran in order to be able to function at work.
  • Constipation. Now this was severe. I am not going into details, but it was HORRIBLE!
  • Sciatica. It started as a pain in my left buttock. Not so bad that I couldn't walk, but it hurt. Then enter 3rd trimester where I get it so bad on my right side that I literally can't walk. If I get up to go to the restroom I am in tears and have to hold onto whatever I can to get there.
  • Sleep deprivation. It is almost impossible to fall asleep and then when I do I am up peeing a 1/2 hr later.
  • Hip pain. From being on bed rest. I am having to turn to my opposite side to sleep every hr because my hip hurts.
  • SPD. Feels like my damn pelvic bone is going to snap in half. Sometimes it makes it so hard to turn over in bed or to get my leg around my body pillow.
  • And the newest one is Carpal Tunnel. It started in my left hand which is fine because I am right handed, but just a few days later it decided to take over my right hand as well. It is bad. I can't open water bottles if they are to tight, can barely flat iron my hair anymore, it falls asleep while cooking, and so on.
So those are the most relevant symptoms I have experienced so far. It is getting so hard. I feel like my body is shutting down on me. I am so dependent on people and anyone that knows me knows this is killing me.

I wanted so badly to go to one of my friends baby shower yesterday. It was at 11am so I got up at 9:30, took a shower, and got dressed. Then came the fun part. I was struggling with my carpal tunnel while trying to flat iron my hair (which I have to do because I have some nappy hair). My hands kept going numb. I called in my 11yo daughter in to try to help and she couldn't get it straight enough with the few pieces she did try. I told her my hand was feeling better and I got it (didn't want to hurt her feelings). It took me 30mins to do my hair that normally takes me 5min because it is so paper thin and only shoulder length. I just sat there crying on the toilet. Right then and there I decided I was not going to the baby shower. My hair look liked crap and I did not have enough time to get my make-up on before my other friend got their to pick me up. I know it seems vain, but I am that girl that has to have my hair done and make-up on if I go any where on the weekends.

Then later on that night I was trying to open up a Gatorade bottle. Failed...I just started bawling. This damn carpal tunnel.

I know I am only 33wks 6days and I want to make it to 37wks (that is mine and my OB's goal), but physically and mentally I am done. I wouldn't wish this on my worst enemy. I just want to be me again. Please, please, please 37wks hurry up and get body would appreciate it!

Friday, June 7, 2013


I started my NST's and when I say that boy do I mean it! I had my first NST done on Sunday May 26th. I woke up that morning and took a shower, went downstairs to eat, and started to walk out the door. Well wouldn't you believe it, my sciatica on the right side started to act up. I could barely get to my car and then once there I just stood there crying for 5mins trying to figure out how I was going to get into the car. Finally I was able to get in and was just trying to stretch my leg on the drive over.  I arrived at the hospital at 8:40am to register. I got out of the car and took about 5 steps and I couldn't walk anymore. So here I am in the parking lot trying to figure out how the hell I was gonna get in to register and then up to L&D. I ended up dragging my crying ass back to my car where I stretched for a good 5mins and was able to actually walk. It still  hurt pretty bad, but hey I could walk. I get in get registered, get up to L&D and got hooked up right away and was lucky enough to get a L&D room so I had a T.V. In case you have don't know what a NST is I will tell you quickly. It is a Non Stress Test for the babies. Basically they put these little monitors on your belly that keep track of the babies heart rate and fetal movement and also one to watch for contractions. During this time they would like to see accelerations in the babies heart rate.

Back to Sunday...I got hooked up, got some water and lied on my sore ass (literally) while the nurse came in and out to get Baby A or B back on the monitor because they had moved or to see if I needed anything. Well she ended up calling my OB at about 10 because Baby B was having some decelerations (heart beat was dropping at times) and I was having some contractions, which I was not feeling at all. My OB said she would be in to check me. She arrived at 11 and took a look at Baby B's decelerations and decided she wanted me to have a Biophysical before leaving (which is an Ultrasound where they measure the babies amnio fluids, weights, and make sure they are practicing breathing). Also because I had a rapid heart rate she ordered some blood work. Long story short, they finally came from radiology at about 2pm. Everything turned out fine on the ultrasound and blood work, but baby B had another deceleration within that time so the OB let me leave, but decided to have me come back on Wednesday. All Sunday my sciatica killed me and I cried all damn day pretty much every time I had to get up!

I went back on Wednesday and was once again lucky enough to get a L&D room which meant T.V! This time once again my appt was at 9am, but Baby A was uncooperative. She would not stay still and kept getting off the monitor. I ended up being there from 9-1. Not as bad as Sunday, but was still making me dread these damn NST's. My OB decided that I should come in again on Saturday.

Saturday morning I get there and get my room and this time I am in the triage room...No T.V. I didn't get hooked up until about 9:30ish because it was a pretty busy morning. Baby B was a little active, but she was still showing accelerations so I was able to go home at 11:30. Ob then let me take a little break and come in on Thursday June 6th. A 4 day break!!

Thursday rolls around and I get there at 11am. Once again in the triage room with no T.V. Let me tell you how happy I was to be out of there by 12. Both babies did great. They stayed on the monitor the whole time and had their accelerations!

I also had a Ultrasound appt on the 4th. At 33wks Baby A is measuring 3.13lbs and B is measuring 4.9lbs. Everything else checked out perfect. Oh and I am so my next appt in 2wks I will no longer have to get pocked with the dildo cam!!!

On the 5th I had my OB appt. Both babies are doing great. I am measuring 46wks pregnant! She thinks I will make it at least until 37wks.

So next week I have NST's on the 11th and my OB appt on the 13th.

Newest pregnancy symptom...Good ol carpal tunnel...OUCH!

Well until next time that is it. I will try to take a 34wk pic for next blog entry!

Saturday, May 25, 2013

My First Stint In L&D

I know it's been a while so I am going to just start at where things started getting difficult during this pregnancy. I am not saying horrible. Many woman on my birth board have had it way worse than me. Just saying things are starting to get tricky in the third trimester.

I will start at my 29wk ultrasound because that is where things have kinda started to go south. I went for my ultrasound at the Peri on May 10th and my blood pressure was 136/72. Not terrible, but higher then I normally am. We looked at the babies and they were doing great. Their weight is still different at Baby A 2.15lbs and Baby B 3.5lbs. Baby A is in the 46% and Baby is in the 60% for weight. Once again a bit of a difference, but both of their fluids are great, both are getting great blood flow from the placenta, and both are still measuring ahead for gestational period.

Then on May 13th I went for an appt with my OB and my blood pressure was 142/76. I told her that is was high at my Friday appt at the Peri (they for some reason left that out of the report). I have also been itching a lot over the last week or so and my hands are starting to swell, so she sent me over to Labor and Delivery so that I could have my BP monitored.

I got to the hospital at about 5pm and was there until just after 7pm. The whole time they had me lying on my side and my BP was within normal limits. Also my urine and blood work all came back normal. So when my Dr. came and checked on me she said she thinks the cause of my high BP is rushing around and getting ready. She once again told me to do nothing, but lay down all day. No shopping or anything.

Also my Glucose test came back negative, but I am really low on iron. I am now taking two Slow FE pills a day.

Anyways back to appts!

Had another OB appt on May 20th. My BP this time was 132/72. Once again she reiterated for me to be "the laziest lazy person ever". She also said that because of the weights of my babies at any given appt with my Peri he can tell me that the babies are being delivered that day. Needless to say I went home and got my hospital bag ready and told my husband to wash the bassinet and bouncy chair fabrics.

The Next day on May 21st was another Peri appt, only I was only seeing the ultrasound tech not the Dr. because he was out of the office for the day. Well I was exactly 31wks and Baby A was 3.3lbs and Baby B was 3.12lbs. My cervix is still measuring long, in the 3cm area. The only thing is the tech saw a bit of fluid in the cervix which she advised me can be nothing or can be a sign of funneling so we will watch that. Once again blood flow to both babies is great and the fluids are measuring good. I go back to see them on the 4th of June which will be 33wks.

And lastly I got a call from my OB 2 days after my Peri appt. I must say when I saw her name come up on my phone I thought to myself "shit I am going in to give birth today", but she just asked me if the Peri Dr had discussed doing NST's with me. I told her I only saw the tech as the Dr was out of the office. She said that the Peri had said he wanted me to go in for NST's every 4-5days so she was going to schedule me for Sunday at the hospital. So another thing to add to my list of appts every week!

As you can see nothing to bad has happened as of yet, but it is definitely getting more real this trimester. On that note here are some belly pics and I will try to update after my 32wk Ob appt this Tuesday the 28th.

So this is actually a 29wk belly shot. I think I have popped even more since then, but I will update on Tuesday when I am 32wks!

And this one was taken just last week while I was sitting down.

Sunday, April 28, 2013

Bed Rest...

Well I will be 28wks in a few days and I know I said I was going to update weekly, but I just cant find the strength to turn on my laptop and blog (until now).

So a few things have happened since my last entry. First of all, I had an Ultrasound at 25wks and although the Peri said the girls are "petite" nothing else was really said. Baby A measured 1.6lbs and Baby B weighed in at 1.8lbs. As you can see there is a little bit of a difference there, but nothing I would think to be worried about.

Well I went in for my OB appt at 26wks and my Dr was going over the results with me. She said that Baby A is in the 26% for weight and B is in the 38%. Not a huge discrepancy, but she said a "moderate" one so she put me on bed rest. I am to lay on my sides for 18hrs out of the day and can be a little more active for 6hr out of the day. Oh and I was also having major issues with my pelvic area making it difficult to walk. My coworkers dubbed me "Trick Hip". Yes I know...Nice LOL.

As you can see its been pretty boring around here! My hips are starting to hurt at night again from being on my sides all day, I can't breathe, my pelvic bone feels like it's going to crack in half, I am so tired all the time, and heartburn is a bitch. I have it better then some people on my birth board so I guess I will stop complaining now!

Oh yeah and I asked my OB when she thinks I will be scheduled for my C-section and she said if i do not go into labor on my own I will be scheduled for 39wks. This kind of concerns me because I have Mono/Di twins which means they share a placenta. Studies have shown that leaving them in longer than 37-38wks can actually cause Placenta disintegration. So I am going to ask my Perinatologist what his recommendations are for delivering Mono/Di twins at my appt this Tuesday the 29th.

I think that's it for now. I have a very busy week coming up. I have my OB appt tomorrow, my Perinatologist appt Tuesday, and then my Husband is having surgery on Wednesday (not to mention it is getting hard to type on my laptop now because my belly is getting to big to type with it sitting on my lap). I will try to get back next week with my updated belly pic for 28wks and any news from my Dr appts.

Until then...

Friday, April 5, 2013

Nothing New

Well I know its been a while, but to be honest I have had a pretty uneventful pregnancy thus far. I am now 24wks and really there is nothing new to report. So I will just leave ya with some new ultrasound pics from my 3d ultrasound and my 24wk belly shot!

Love these!

And the belly at 24wks. I have popped a bit, but still not that big. Although I FEEL huge!

Thursday, April 4, 2013

And We Are Having....

Hahaha I am gonna keep you in suspense and talk about my OB appt Monday. I went to see my Doctor and of coarse we listened to the heartbeats (which were great). I am actually measuring at about 7months (I am currently 5), but it is normal to measure about 6-8wks more than what you actually are with twins. We also talked about my work schedule. I told the her about how I am getting so tired by 3pm and am waddling around at work. I also told her about how I have yet to be able to go in for a follow up appt with the Physical Therapist because at I had my second appt scheduled and someone at work called out sick that day and the following day and then for the following week and 1/2 another employee was on vacation. We decided that I would reduce my hours to 6hr days. To be honest the first day I left early felt kinda weird, but I got to go home and take a nap before my hubby got home with the kiddos.

Oh the dreaded bedtime. My newest pregnancy struggle. I have been having the hardest time with the hip pain at night. By 20wks it is IMPOSSIBLE to sleep on your back and you can't exactly sleep on your stomach so I am stuck sleeping on either my left or right side. This is killing my hips! I am awake for a good 2-3hrs with such bad pain I am in tears. I have tried a pillow between my legs with no avail. I resorted to sleeping on the couch for the first time last night and I didn't hurt as much in the morning so I may just be stuck doing that until delivery. The only thing is my hubby wants me in bed next to him so I may have to try getting an actual body pillow, a heating pad, and possible one of those foam mattress things (all suggestions from other twin moms I know that have BTDT). We shall see and I will let you know if anything helps.

On to the good stuff! So we had our Ultrasound today and both babies are doing amazing. Baby A is weighing in at 11 oz and the heartbeat was 146. Baby B measured in at 11 oz as well and the heartbeat was 143. I am happy to announce that we are having identical baby GIRLS!!! I must say have been asked by a few people if I am disappointed being that I have always wanted a boy. Well the answer is absolutely not. The way I see it is I have so much experience with girls having two babies at once I think it will just make my life so much easier then if we had boys.

I go back for another Ultrasound in 2wks from now and my OB appt will be for April 1st.

Here is my 20wk belly shot! Although everyone is saying I am really starting to pop out I think it looks just about the same as the 16wk.

And for some added fun. My favorite picture from my Ultrasound today. This one is Baby A's foot. I love it because you can see the little toes and all!
Well that's all until next time...


Thursday, March 7, 2013

Runny Noses and Healthy Hearts!

Well I have officially caught it...the wonderful virus my daughter has been struggling with the last few weeks. Either that or its just darn allergies. My nose is running like crazy, my throat is killing me in the morning from snoring at night, and my eyes get so watery. Enough with the complaining though. Lets get to the good stuff...the little ones!

Today I had my appt with the Pediatric Cardiologist. Turns out the Perinatologist office was having a hard time getting a good picture of the heart because my babies are positioned funny and are little wiggle worms. As the Dr. told me, "I am the one they send you to when they can't get a good picture of the heart. There is no one for me to send you to so I am here until I get a good picture of what is going on with their hearts".

Both babies checked out great. She said their hearts are excellent and there is nothing to worry about! Baby A is very low and all cramped in there while baby B is comfy as can be with tons of room to roam. Funny little ones! Baby A was also very relaxed. Baby B the complete opposite.

She asked me if I knew the sex of the babies yet and I told her no because at my last ultrasound both babies decided to keep their legs closed as tight as possible. She tried looking for me again and wouldn't you know baby A was pretty much right up against my uterus wall and she couldn't see the private parts and baby B decided once again not to let us have a look. Legs were closed tight yet again! Well I have my 20wk ultrasound appt next week on Thursday with the Peri office so fingers crossed I can get a look. I do not want to end up with a bunch of "gender neutral" clothes!!!

Until next time...

Saturday, February 23, 2013

Melt Down...

As of today I am 18wks 4days. To be honest not much is going on, but I did have my very first melt down last Sunday.

My 4yo daughter Juliana has been sick for a while. On January 24th she started with a fever. It only lasted for 2 days and once she was given Motrin she was up and running like nothing was wrong. After the two days she started with a runny nose and cough (thank you weather for being unable to choose hot or cold)! well once again last Saturday she started with a fever again. Very low grade. It never went above 101, was controlled with Motrin, and only lasted 1 and 1/2 days. Aside from the fever the stupid cough and runny nose are holding on for dear life.

Back to the point. Like most mommys when my children are sick I CANNOT sleep. On Sunday I was feeling very emotional. Crying over the stupidest things. At around 7pm I am laying on the couch and Jesse (the hubby) is across from me on the other couch. I looked at him and told him "how am I gonna do it. How am I gonna take care of 2 babies?" And then I burst into tears...I am not talking about a little cry. I mean a pool of tears!

That's the first time that has happened. I don't know if it was sleep deprivation, hormones, or what, but it was terrible!

Whelp that's the most exciting thing that's happened since last week. On Wednesday I have an appt with the pediatric cardiologist so I will be back to update then.

Friday, February 15, 2013

Not So Happy Valentines Day

Well not bad, but not what I was looking forward to...

Thursday Feb 14th was my scheduled Ultrasound with the Perinatologist. I was exactly 17wks and 1day so I was hoping to find out the sex of my babies. Being that I am having identical twins all I needed was 1, just 1 of the babies to cooperate. Wouldn't you know both of the little ones had there legs squeezed shut and were not letting us get a peek! The tech even tried to shake em up a little to no avail...they were not having it! My next Ultrasound is scheduled for 3 wks from now so fingers crossed they let us see.

On a better note they are both doing great. Baby A weighed 6oz and had a heart rate of 154 and baby B weighed 7oz with a heart rate of 137. Neither of them were very active though. I think they must have been sleeping. The Perinatologist is sending me to a Pediatric Cardiologist to check out the babies hearts. He said he does it routinely with identical twins and its just a precautionary, but he is not concerned with anything. That appt is scheduled for March 27th, which is 2wks from now.

As far as me and pregnancy is of right now I feel like the REAL me. You know the one who wasn't pregnant. This second trimester thing is terrific! The only thing I can even slightly complain about is sleeping. It is so hard to get comfortable and my hips are starting to hurt from sleeping on my sides. Even that I shouldn't even be complaining about considering as much as I have been reading sounds like the 3rd trimester is the PITS when it comes to aches and pains. Oh and I had my appt with the Physical Therapist. It went well. Basically she showed me some stretches I can do at home, did a deep massage (which killed...she said I was really tight so thats why it hurt so much), and then they let me sit with the heating pad on my back for a little bit. I have another appt on Monday so we will see how that goes. To be honest though the stretches seem to be helping because I have not had a lot of problems with my Sciatica since.

On that note I will leave you with a picture of both babies from the Ultrasound!


It's kind of weird how they still look like little skeletons, but the tech said that is normal at 17wks. I really like the last one. Baby A's foot!

Thursday, February 7, 2013

Made It To 4mo

WooHoo I made it to 4 months (16wks).

Monday was my appt with my OB and everything checked out great. My BP was good. I am not swelling anywhere. I gained 3lbs, which I think may be incorrect because usually I wear my flip flops and take them off during weigh in but I forgot to switch them and wore my tennis shoes instead.

I also got to hear my little ones heart beats. One of the babies was 154 and the other was 144. It was great because lately I have not felt to pregnant considering my 1st trimester was nothing but morning sickness which has seemed to disappear in the 2nd trimester. I am not feeling the babies anymore. I was feeling little flutters which have seemed to also subside. Anyways the point to that is I decided to get a fetal doppler. I just got it in the mail today and am looking forward to hearing the babies every night. I think this will help to set my mind at ease!

My OB has also prescribed Physical Therapy for me to help with my Sciatica. I have my first appt on Monday and am looking forward to it.

Well not much new to report this week. Next week I have my ultrasound appt on Thursday at 17 weeks. I am hoping I will have the babies sex by then so until next Thursday...

Not much of a change from 2wks ago, but here is the 16wk belly pic!

Sunday, February 3, 2013

15 wks now!

Now that you are caught up to present time let me fill you in on exactly where I am in my pregnancy!

As of today I am exactly 15wks and 5days! Thank God for 2nd trimesters. So far I have not had any morning sickness (knock on wood), I have more energy, my weekends are no longer spent lying on the couch holding my stomach trying not to vomit, and my appetite is pretty much back to normal.

The only thing that I have found myself struggling with at this time in my pregnancy is sciatica. It is a pain in my butt...literally! By the afternoon I find myself waddling around at work. It does hurt and is something I am planning on bringing up at my OB appt tomorrow afternoon. I honestly am having a hard time making it through work everyday. Oh and the only other thing that has decided to sprout up is heartburn, but I have found it I drink a glass of milk before bedtime it doesn't usually bother me.

Well that's it for now. I am off to watch the Super Bowl at my sister in laws so I hope you are enjoying your weekend. I will be back with a 16wk update!

Here I am at 14wks 5days. Already have the baby bump going on. With my other 2 pregnancies it took me until 5-6mo to look like this. Oh  well, guess that's what having twins does!

Thursday, January 31, 2013

My 12 wk Ultrasound!

On January 10th I had my appt with the Perinatologist at 12 wks pregnant. It was so neat seeing my little ones for the first time on the Ultrasound screen. In a way I am glad that this was the first time I got to see them. The room was nice and dim, they had a screen on the wall directly in front of me so that I could see everything, and the tech was so nice!

I found out my babies were both doing fine. They both weighed 2oz, which was more than the average weight for 12wks. I also found I was having identical twins. They are Monochorionic-diamniotic which means they have seperate amnio sacs, but share the chorionic sac and placenta. What scared me though is I also found out that puts them at risk for TTTS or Twin-to-twin transfusion syndrome which is were one baby takes most of the blood and nutrient. This puts both babies at risk.

What I did when I got home from my appt was stupid. I GOT ON THE INTERNET! Never ever do that if you are already worried about something. So needless to say I was worried out of my mind until I had my appt with my OB.

Can I just say I have the best OB ever. She is absolutely amazing. She completely put my mind at ease and reassured about everything. She was kind of annoyed that they even brought up the TTTS considering both babies weigh the same and are in fact ahead in there weight. She also told me that all the tests for Downs Syndrome came back negative and that my risk of preterm labor was low because my cervix measured over 3cm.

I walked out of that appt feeling amazing and at ease about the health of my little ones!
Heres a picture from my Ultrasound at 12wks

Baby A was a little less cooperative. He/She was a little wiggle worm. Baby B was just chilling. The Tech was able to get 2 good pictures of B.

Wednesday, January 30, 2013

How It All Started

It was November 14th 2012, the week before Thanksgiving. I decided to take a pregnancy test. I was now exactly 1 week late from my period. Its not like I am never late. Sometimes I am a few days late sometimes I am 10days late.

So I got home that night, went upstairs, and peed on the stick. Low and behold a minute later their where two pink lines...ugh! You see I already have to beautiful girls, one is 11 and the other is 4. I was not planning on having anymore.

My husband was not home from work at the time so I went downstairs and waited for his arrival. Once he was home I told him to go upstairs and look on his side table ( I was not ready to fill in the children just yet). Let me tell you that man came downstairs with a grin from ear to ear. Of coarse he always wanted one more...lets try for a boy one last time he would say to me. He got his wish.

Everything form there was pretty uneventful. That was until the day after Thanksgiving. One week later. It just hit me like a ton of bricks. That thing called morning sickness (or in my case all day sickness). No vomiting. I just couldn't eat or drink anything and I felt like I had the stomach flu all day everyday. I looked like death. I ended up going to the E.R. for dehydration, but they were swamped that night so the P.A. asked me if I had tried any prescriptions yet. I told her that I hadn't so she gave me the choice to either wait until they had a bed open or I could take a prescription and if that didn't work follow-up with my OB. I chose to take the prescription and be on my way. The prescription she had given me was for Zofran, which was helping somewhat. I could at least eat and drink.

I ended up having my Dr. appt on December 3rd. My Ob was asking me how everything was and I told her I was having horrible morning sickness. She then asked me about my prior pregnancy's and if I suffered with morning sickness. I didn't. Actually they were great, except for feeling tired all the time. She then joked that maybe I was having a boy.

According to the date of my last period I should have been about 9wks at that time. The Dr started her exam and after checking my pelvis she asked me if I have a regular period? Do I ever skip a month? To which I answered no. That's when she started talking about the possibility of twins.....
To be continued!

The Big Reveal...Twins

My OB ordered some blood work and an Ultrasound to determine how far along I was and to check up on the baby because I was having such bad morning sickness.

On December 6th 2012 I had my Ultrasound. It was not a good experience. First I arrive for my appointment and they had me down for an earlier time. Luckily they squeezed me in anyways. When I got called back the tech got to work. She was having a hard time seeing the baby because I have a retroverted uterus, so she decided to do the Ultrasound trans vaginal. To which she could see absolutely nothing. I was starting to get annoyed because I have 2 other children and they have never had a hard time getting the babies before, not to mention she was killing me. So once again she went back to doing the Ultrasound on the belly. After all that she turns to me and says "OK your Dr. should get the results by Friday or Monday" and turns to leave. I didn't get to see the baby, nor did she tell me if the baby was OK or anything.

Thankfully my Hubby was with me so I kept asking him did you see the baby? Did it look OK? He did tell me the baby looked fine, but that he thought he might have seen to. I told him he was crazy and it was probably just an air bubble or something!

Fast forward to my Dr appt December 17th. I am in the exam room and my OB walks in and greets me. She has all her records electronically so she was opening up her laptop to get to my records and says to me "I think we talked about the twin pregnancy didn't we"?! I kinda looked at her in a strange way because she said it so weird. I told her yes we did talk about how with twins some people experience more morning sickness. She gave me this funny look and asked me if I got the results of the Ultrasound. I told her how the tech didn't even show me the baby and that she didn't tell me anything. So she said lets go over the results. She opened up the Ultrasound and started to read the results of how I was 7wks pregnant with TWINS.

Needless to say I was in shock through the whole appt. I kept saying, wait twins, I am having twins?
As soon as I left the office I called my Husband and he was just laughing. He was so excited when I got home. He called everyone in his family to share the news.

So my OB told me I would be getting an Ultrasound once a month because twin pregnancies are higher risk. She sent me to a Perinatologist at which I had an appt at 12 wks to check for chromosomal issues with blood work and ultrasound.
To be continued...