Thursday, March 7, 2013

Runny Noses and Healthy Hearts!

Well I have officially caught it...the wonderful virus my daughter has been struggling with the last few weeks. Either that or its just darn allergies. My nose is running like crazy, my throat is killing me in the morning from snoring at night, and my eyes get so watery. Enough with the complaining though. Lets get to the good stuff...the little ones!

Today I had my appt with the Pediatric Cardiologist. Turns out the Perinatologist office was having a hard time getting a good picture of the heart because my babies are positioned funny and are little wiggle worms. As the Dr. told me, "I am the one they send you to when they can't get a good picture of the heart. There is no one for me to send you to so I am here until I get a good picture of what is going on with their hearts".

Both babies checked out great. She said their hearts are excellent and there is nothing to worry about! Baby A is very low and all cramped in there while baby B is comfy as can be with tons of room to roam. Funny little ones! Baby A was also very relaxed. Baby B the complete opposite.

She asked me if I knew the sex of the babies yet and I told her no because at my last ultrasound both babies decided to keep their legs closed as tight as possible. She tried looking for me again and wouldn't you know baby A was pretty much right up against my uterus wall and she couldn't see the private parts and baby B decided once again not to let us have a look. Legs were closed tight yet again! Well I have my 20wk ultrasound appt next week on Thursday with the Peri office so fingers crossed I can get a look. I do not want to end up with a bunch of "gender neutral" clothes!!!

Until next time...

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