Saturday, February 23, 2013

Melt Down...

As of today I am 18wks 4days. To be honest not much is going on, but I did have my very first melt down last Sunday.

My 4yo daughter Juliana has been sick for a while. On January 24th she started with a fever. It only lasted for 2 days and once she was given Motrin she was up and running like nothing was wrong. After the two days she started with a runny nose and cough (thank you weather for being unable to choose hot or cold)! well once again last Saturday she started with a fever again. Very low grade. It never went above 101, was controlled with Motrin, and only lasted 1 and 1/2 days. Aside from the fever the stupid cough and runny nose are holding on for dear life.

Back to the point. Like most mommys when my children are sick I CANNOT sleep. On Sunday I was feeling very emotional. Crying over the stupidest things. At around 7pm I am laying on the couch and Jesse (the hubby) is across from me on the other couch. I looked at him and told him "how am I gonna do it. How am I gonna take care of 2 babies?" And then I burst into tears...I am not talking about a little cry. I mean a pool of tears!

That's the first time that has happened. I don't know if it was sleep deprivation, hormones, or what, but it was terrible!

Whelp that's the most exciting thing that's happened since last week. On Wednesday I have an appt with the pediatric cardiologist so I will be back to update then.

Friday, February 15, 2013

Not So Happy Valentines Day

Well not bad, but not what I was looking forward to...

Thursday Feb 14th was my scheduled Ultrasound with the Perinatologist. I was exactly 17wks and 1day so I was hoping to find out the sex of my babies. Being that I am having identical twins all I needed was 1, just 1 of the babies to cooperate. Wouldn't you know both of the little ones had there legs squeezed shut and were not letting us get a peek! The tech even tried to shake em up a little to no avail...they were not having it! My next Ultrasound is scheduled for 3 wks from now so fingers crossed they let us see.

On a better note they are both doing great. Baby A weighed 6oz and had a heart rate of 154 and baby B weighed 7oz with a heart rate of 137. Neither of them were very active though. I think they must have been sleeping. The Perinatologist is sending me to a Pediatric Cardiologist to check out the babies hearts. He said he does it routinely with identical twins and its just a precautionary, but he is not concerned with anything. That appt is scheduled for March 27th, which is 2wks from now.

As far as me and pregnancy is of right now I feel like the REAL me. You know the one who wasn't pregnant. This second trimester thing is terrific! The only thing I can even slightly complain about is sleeping. It is so hard to get comfortable and my hips are starting to hurt from sleeping on my sides. Even that I shouldn't even be complaining about considering as much as I have been reading sounds like the 3rd trimester is the PITS when it comes to aches and pains. Oh and I had my appt with the Physical Therapist. It went well. Basically she showed me some stretches I can do at home, did a deep massage (which killed...she said I was really tight so thats why it hurt so much), and then they let me sit with the heating pad on my back for a little bit. I have another appt on Monday so we will see how that goes. To be honest though the stretches seem to be helping because I have not had a lot of problems with my Sciatica since.

On that note I will leave you with a picture of both babies from the Ultrasound!


It's kind of weird how they still look like little skeletons, but the tech said that is normal at 17wks. I really like the last one. Baby A's foot!

Thursday, February 7, 2013

Made It To 4mo

WooHoo I made it to 4 months (16wks).

Monday was my appt with my OB and everything checked out great. My BP was good. I am not swelling anywhere. I gained 3lbs, which I think may be incorrect because usually I wear my flip flops and take them off during weigh in but I forgot to switch them and wore my tennis shoes instead.

I also got to hear my little ones heart beats. One of the babies was 154 and the other was 144. It was great because lately I have not felt to pregnant considering my 1st trimester was nothing but morning sickness which has seemed to disappear in the 2nd trimester. I am not feeling the babies anymore. I was feeling little flutters which have seemed to also subside. Anyways the point to that is I decided to get a fetal doppler. I just got it in the mail today and am looking forward to hearing the babies every night. I think this will help to set my mind at ease!

My OB has also prescribed Physical Therapy for me to help with my Sciatica. I have my first appt on Monday and am looking forward to it.

Well not much new to report this week. Next week I have my ultrasound appt on Thursday at 17 weeks. I am hoping I will have the babies sex by then so until next Thursday...

Not much of a change from 2wks ago, but here is the 16wk belly pic!

Sunday, February 3, 2013

15 wks now!

Now that you are caught up to present time let me fill you in on exactly where I am in my pregnancy!

As of today I am exactly 15wks and 5days! Thank God for 2nd trimesters. So far I have not had any morning sickness (knock on wood), I have more energy, my weekends are no longer spent lying on the couch holding my stomach trying not to vomit, and my appetite is pretty much back to normal.

The only thing that I have found myself struggling with at this time in my pregnancy is sciatica. It is a pain in my butt...literally! By the afternoon I find myself waddling around at work. It does hurt and is something I am planning on bringing up at my OB appt tomorrow afternoon. I honestly am having a hard time making it through work everyday. Oh and the only other thing that has decided to sprout up is heartburn, but I have found it I drink a glass of milk before bedtime it doesn't usually bother me.

Well that's it for now. I am off to watch the Super Bowl at my sister in laws so I hope you are enjoying your weekend. I will be back with a 16wk update!

Here I am at 14wks 5days. Already have the baby bump going on. With my other 2 pregnancies it took me until 5-6mo to look like this. Oh  well, guess that's what having twins does!