Tuesday, September 9, 2014

A Rough Year- the first 3mo

The girls arrived on July 9th 2013 @ 38wks exactly!

Maya weighed in at 6.9lbs and Audriana at 5.14lbs. Audriana came first at 8:30am and Maya followed at 8:31am. I went in for a planned c-section.

I had c-sections with my other two so I knew that I was getting the same with these two. I went in that morning and everything went great. I was wheeled into the surgical room. The anesthesia wasn't that bad. It stung, but wasn't horrible. Jesse came in once I was on the table and the Dr got to work. Audriana was baby A and she came out first at 8:30then Maya at 8:31.

I also had a tubal and that is where it got a little complicated. I had a good amount of scar tissue from my previous c-sections so it hurt pretty bad. I could feel it and was getting pretty nauseous. At this point the anesthesiologist was asking my doctor if she wanted to just stopthe procedure   and schedule it later. My doctor said she was already in there so if I was fine with it she would rather just finish. I agreed. There was no way I wanted to do this again. He have me something through my IV and I was out. I remember nothing after that until it was over and the nurse woke me up. Jesse had left to go to the nursery with the girls by the way right before I was given the IV med.

Both girls stayed with us the whole time and did not need any NICU time. We all even went home together after 3days. 

My c-section was the most painful one to date, but honestly I think it was more due to the tubal then anything else.

I haven't been on for a little over a year because to be honest this has beena major   transition for me. I had to adapt to not only being a SAHM, but a SAHM to 4 kids and two of which were twins.

Luckily my husband was able to take the first 6wks off of work to be home with me. I am not going to lie, about 2wks before he went back I broke down in tears! How was I going to do this on my own? How was I going to juggle 2 babies on my own? Marina (12) and Julie (5) went to school during the day. How was I going to take Julie to school? 

I had no choice in the matter. My husbands mom had always watched my older two, but there was no way I could leave her with twin infants. Day care was out because that would just take one of our pay checks anyways.

The day came and went. I ended up working out a deal with my sister. She would pick up Julie in the am and walk her to her classroom since she dropped my nephew off at the high school right by my house.

Honestly those first three months of taking care of the kids alone during the day wasn't horrible. They slept more than anything else. It was those sleepless nights that killed. Again luckily I have a great husband who still helped with night duties even though he had to work in the morning. 

The babies would wake about every 3hrs at night. I would take one and Jesse the other. We would feed, change, then rock them back to sleep. The whole process would take about 30min so it was pretty much 2.5hrs of sleep between waking and It was KILLER. I still had to wake early in the morning to get the older two ready and off to school.

During the day they would catnap a ton, so me getting a nap with them just was not in the cards. Also Jesse and I made the mistake of getting them used to being rocked to sleep so that cut into my time between their naps also (more on that in another post).

Although the first 3mo where a learning curb, they were not HORRIBLE, but I was still learning how to adjust and how to better use my time. We never really ventured out of the house much as the babies were just so small to me and I wasn't ready for that on my own. 

More then anything I was TIRED all the time. I will post about months 3-6 tomorrow, but for now here are some pictures of the girls!

              1mo! Audriana and Maya

                Maya and Audriana

                  Maya and Audriana

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