Sunday, June 9, 2013

Everyone Gets At Least One Right?

Well here it is. My whine post. Everyone should be entitled to at least one!

Let me start by telling you about all the pregnancy symptoms I had with my 2 singleton pregnancy's.
  • mild food aversions
  • tired
Now let me tell you about all the wonderful symptoms I am having with this twin pregnancy.
  • Morning sickness from weeks 4-15. Not extreme like some people. I wasn't throwing up constantly. In fact I would say I maybe threw up 7 times. I just had this constant feeling of stomach flu. I couldn't eat and lost weight during that first trimester. I had to take Zofran in order to be able to function at work.
  • Constipation. Now this was severe. I am not going into details, but it was HORRIBLE!
  • Sciatica. It started as a pain in my left buttock. Not so bad that I couldn't walk, but it hurt. Then enter 3rd trimester where I get it so bad on my right side that I literally can't walk. If I get up to go to the restroom I am in tears and have to hold onto whatever I can to get there.
  • Sleep deprivation. It is almost impossible to fall asleep and then when I do I am up peeing a 1/2 hr later.
  • Hip pain. From being on bed rest. I am having to turn to my opposite side to sleep every hr because my hip hurts.
  • SPD. Feels like my damn pelvic bone is going to snap in half. Sometimes it makes it so hard to turn over in bed or to get my leg around my body pillow.
  • And the newest one is Carpal Tunnel. It started in my left hand which is fine because I am right handed, but just a few days later it decided to take over my right hand as well. It is bad. I can't open water bottles if they are to tight, can barely flat iron my hair anymore, it falls asleep while cooking, and so on.
So those are the most relevant symptoms I have experienced so far. It is getting so hard. I feel like my body is shutting down on me. I am so dependent on people and anyone that knows me knows this is killing me.

I wanted so badly to go to one of my friends baby shower yesterday. It was at 11am so I got up at 9:30, took a shower, and got dressed. Then came the fun part. I was struggling with my carpal tunnel while trying to flat iron my hair (which I have to do because I have some nappy hair). My hands kept going numb. I called in my 11yo daughter in to try to help and she couldn't get it straight enough with the few pieces she did try. I told her my hand was feeling better and I got it (didn't want to hurt her feelings). It took me 30mins to do my hair that normally takes me 5min because it is so paper thin and only shoulder length. I just sat there crying on the toilet. Right then and there I decided I was not going to the baby shower. My hair look liked crap and I did not have enough time to get my make-up on before my other friend got their to pick me up. I know it seems vain, but I am that girl that has to have my hair done and make-up on if I go any where on the weekends.

Then later on that night I was trying to open up a Gatorade bottle. Failed...I just started bawling. This damn carpal tunnel.

I know I am only 33wks 6days and I want to make it to 37wks (that is mine and my OB's goal), but physically and mentally I am done. I wouldn't wish this on my worst enemy. I just want to be me again. Please, please, please 37wks hurry up and get body would appreciate it!

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