Sunday, April 28, 2013

Bed Rest...

Well I will be 28wks in a few days and I know I said I was going to update weekly, but I just cant find the strength to turn on my laptop and blog (until now).

So a few things have happened since my last entry. First of all, I had an Ultrasound at 25wks and although the Peri said the girls are "petite" nothing else was really said. Baby A measured 1.6lbs and Baby B weighed in at 1.8lbs. As you can see there is a little bit of a difference there, but nothing I would think to be worried about.

Well I went in for my OB appt at 26wks and my Dr was going over the results with me. She said that Baby A is in the 26% for weight and B is in the 38%. Not a huge discrepancy, but she said a "moderate" one so she put me on bed rest. I am to lay on my sides for 18hrs out of the day and can be a little more active for 6hr out of the day. Oh and I was also having major issues with my pelvic area making it difficult to walk. My coworkers dubbed me "Trick Hip". Yes I know...Nice LOL.

As you can see its been pretty boring around here! My hips are starting to hurt at night again from being on my sides all day, I can't breathe, my pelvic bone feels like it's going to crack in half, I am so tired all the time, and heartburn is a bitch. I have it better then some people on my birth board so I guess I will stop complaining now!

Oh yeah and I asked my OB when she thinks I will be scheduled for my C-section and she said if i do not go into labor on my own I will be scheduled for 39wks. This kind of concerns me because I have Mono/Di twins which means they share a placenta. Studies have shown that leaving them in longer than 37-38wks can actually cause Placenta disintegration. So I am going to ask my Perinatologist what his recommendations are for delivering Mono/Di twins at my appt this Tuesday the 29th.

I think that's it for now. I have a very busy week coming up. I have my OB appt tomorrow, my Perinatologist appt Tuesday, and then my Husband is having surgery on Wednesday (not to mention it is getting hard to type on my laptop now because my belly is getting to big to type with it sitting on my lap). I will try to get back next week with my updated belly pic for 28wks and any news from my Dr appts.

Until then...

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