Friday, February 15, 2013

Not So Happy Valentines Day

Well not bad, but not what I was looking forward to...

Thursday Feb 14th was my scheduled Ultrasound with the Perinatologist. I was exactly 17wks and 1day so I was hoping to find out the sex of my babies. Being that I am having identical twins all I needed was 1, just 1 of the babies to cooperate. Wouldn't you know both of the little ones had there legs squeezed shut and were not letting us get a peek! The tech even tried to shake em up a little to no avail...they were not having it! My next Ultrasound is scheduled for 3 wks from now so fingers crossed they let us see.

On a better note they are both doing great. Baby A weighed 6oz and had a heart rate of 154 and baby B weighed 7oz with a heart rate of 137. Neither of them were very active though. I think they must have been sleeping. The Perinatologist is sending me to a Pediatric Cardiologist to check out the babies hearts. He said he does it routinely with identical twins and its just a precautionary, but he is not concerned with anything. That appt is scheduled for March 27th, which is 2wks from now.

As far as me and pregnancy is of right now I feel like the REAL me. You know the one who wasn't pregnant. This second trimester thing is terrific! The only thing I can even slightly complain about is sleeping. It is so hard to get comfortable and my hips are starting to hurt from sleeping on my sides. Even that I shouldn't even be complaining about considering as much as I have been reading sounds like the 3rd trimester is the PITS when it comes to aches and pains. Oh and I had my appt with the Physical Therapist. It went well. Basically she showed me some stretches I can do at home, did a deep massage (which killed...she said I was really tight so thats why it hurt so much), and then they let me sit with the heating pad on my back for a little bit. I have another appt on Monday so we will see how that goes. To be honest though the stretches seem to be helping because I have not had a lot of problems with my Sciatica since.

On that note I will leave you with a picture of both babies from the Ultrasound!


It's kind of weird how they still look like little skeletons, but the tech said that is normal at 17wks. I really like the last one. Baby A's foot!

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