I found out my babies were both doing fine. They both weighed 2oz, which was more than the average weight for 12wks. I also found I was having identical twins. They are Monochorionic-diamniotic which means they have seperate amnio sacs, but share the chorionic sac and placenta. What scared me though is I also found out that puts them at risk for TTTS or Twin-to-twin transfusion syndrome which is were one baby takes most of the blood and nutrient. This puts both babies at risk.
What I did when I got home from my appt was stupid. I GOT ON THE INTERNET! Never ever do that if you are already worried about something. So needless to say I was worried out of my mind until I had my appt with my OB.
Can I just say I have the best OB ever. She is absolutely amazing. She completely put my mind at ease and reassured about everything. She was kind of annoyed that they even brought up the TTTS considering both babies weigh the same and are in fact ahead in there weight. She also told me that all the tests for Downs Syndrome came back negative and that my risk of preterm labor was low because my cervix measured over 3cm.
I walked out of that appt feeling amazing and at ease about the health of my little ones!
Heres a picture from my Ultrasound at 12wks
Baby A was a little less cooperative. He/She was a little wiggle worm. Baby B was just chilling. The Tech was able to get 2 good pictures of B.
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