Thursday, January 31, 2013

My 12 wk Ultrasound!

On January 10th I had my appt with the Perinatologist at 12 wks pregnant. It was so neat seeing my little ones for the first time on the Ultrasound screen. In a way I am glad that this was the first time I got to see them. The room was nice and dim, they had a screen on the wall directly in front of me so that I could see everything, and the tech was so nice!

I found out my babies were both doing fine. They both weighed 2oz, which was more than the average weight for 12wks. I also found I was having identical twins. They are Monochorionic-diamniotic which means they have seperate amnio sacs, but share the chorionic sac and placenta. What scared me though is I also found out that puts them at risk for TTTS or Twin-to-twin transfusion syndrome which is were one baby takes most of the blood and nutrient. This puts both babies at risk.

What I did when I got home from my appt was stupid. I GOT ON THE INTERNET! Never ever do that if you are already worried about something. So needless to say I was worried out of my mind until I had my appt with my OB.

Can I just say I have the best OB ever. She is absolutely amazing. She completely put my mind at ease and reassured about everything. She was kind of annoyed that they even brought up the TTTS considering both babies weigh the same and are in fact ahead in there weight. She also told me that all the tests for Downs Syndrome came back negative and that my risk of preterm labor was low because my cervix measured over 3cm.

I walked out of that appt feeling amazing and at ease about the health of my little ones!
Heres a picture from my Ultrasound at 12wks

Baby A was a little less cooperative. He/She was a little wiggle worm. Baby B was just chilling. The Tech was able to get 2 good pictures of B.

Wednesday, January 30, 2013

How It All Started

It was November 14th 2012, the week before Thanksgiving. I decided to take a pregnancy test. I was now exactly 1 week late from my period. Its not like I am never late. Sometimes I am a few days late sometimes I am 10days late.

So I got home that night, went upstairs, and peed on the stick. Low and behold a minute later their where two pink lines...ugh! You see I already have to beautiful girls, one is 11 and the other is 4. I was not planning on having anymore.

My husband was not home from work at the time so I went downstairs and waited for his arrival. Once he was home I told him to go upstairs and look on his side table ( I was not ready to fill in the children just yet). Let me tell you that man came downstairs with a grin from ear to ear. Of coarse he always wanted one more...lets try for a boy one last time he would say to me. He got his wish.

Everything form there was pretty uneventful. That was until the day after Thanksgiving. One week later. It just hit me like a ton of bricks. That thing called morning sickness (or in my case all day sickness). No vomiting. I just couldn't eat or drink anything and I felt like I had the stomach flu all day everyday. I looked like death. I ended up going to the E.R. for dehydration, but they were swamped that night so the P.A. asked me if I had tried any prescriptions yet. I told her that I hadn't so she gave me the choice to either wait until they had a bed open or I could take a prescription and if that didn't work follow-up with my OB. I chose to take the prescription and be on my way. The prescription she had given me was for Zofran, which was helping somewhat. I could at least eat and drink.

I ended up having my Dr. appt on December 3rd. My Ob was asking me how everything was and I told her I was having horrible morning sickness. She then asked me about my prior pregnancy's and if I suffered with morning sickness. I didn't. Actually they were great, except for feeling tired all the time. She then joked that maybe I was having a boy.

According to the date of my last period I should have been about 9wks at that time. The Dr started her exam and after checking my pelvis she asked me if I have a regular period? Do I ever skip a month? To which I answered no. That's when she started talking about the possibility of twins.....
To be continued!

The Big Reveal...Twins

My OB ordered some blood work and an Ultrasound to determine how far along I was and to check up on the baby because I was having such bad morning sickness.

On December 6th 2012 I had my Ultrasound. It was not a good experience. First I arrive for my appointment and they had me down for an earlier time. Luckily they squeezed me in anyways. When I got called back the tech got to work. She was having a hard time seeing the baby because I have a retroverted uterus, so she decided to do the Ultrasound trans vaginal. To which she could see absolutely nothing. I was starting to get annoyed because I have 2 other children and they have never had a hard time getting the babies before, not to mention she was killing me. So once again she went back to doing the Ultrasound on the belly. After all that she turns to me and says "OK your Dr. should get the results by Friday or Monday" and turns to leave. I didn't get to see the baby, nor did she tell me if the baby was OK or anything.

Thankfully my Hubby was with me so I kept asking him did you see the baby? Did it look OK? He did tell me the baby looked fine, but that he thought he might have seen to. I told him he was crazy and it was probably just an air bubble or something!

Fast forward to my Dr appt December 17th. I am in the exam room and my OB walks in and greets me. She has all her records electronically so she was opening up her laptop to get to my records and says to me "I think we talked about the twin pregnancy didn't we"?! I kinda looked at her in a strange way because she said it so weird. I told her yes we did talk about how with twins some people experience more morning sickness. She gave me this funny look and asked me if I got the results of the Ultrasound. I told her how the tech didn't even show me the baby and that she didn't tell me anything. So she said lets go over the results. She opened up the Ultrasound and started to read the results of how I was 7wks pregnant with TWINS.

Needless to say I was in shock through the whole appt. I kept saying, wait twins, I am having twins?
As soon as I left the office I called my Husband and he was just laughing. He was so excited when I got home. He called everyone in his family to share the news.

So my OB told me I would be getting an Ultrasound once a month because twin pregnancies are higher risk. She sent me to a Perinatologist at which I had an appt at 12 wks to check for chromosomal issues with blood work and ultrasound.
To be continued...