I will start at my 29wk ultrasound because that is where things have kinda started to go south. I went for my ultrasound at the Peri on May 10th and my blood pressure was 136/72. Not terrible, but higher then I normally am. We looked at the babies and they were doing great. Their weight is still different at Baby A 2.15lbs and Baby B 3.5lbs. Baby A is in the 46% and Baby is in the 60% for weight. Once again a bit of a difference, but both of their fluids are great, both are getting great blood flow from the placenta, and both are still measuring ahead for gestational period.
Then on May 13th I went for an appt with my OB and my blood pressure was 142/76. I told her that is was high at my Friday appt at the Peri (they for some reason left that out of the report). I have also been itching a lot over the last week or so and my hands are starting to swell, so she sent me over to Labor and Delivery so that I could have my BP monitored.
I got to the hospital at about 5pm and was there until just after 7pm. The whole time they had me lying on my side and my BP was within normal limits. Also my urine and blood work all came back normal. So when my Dr. came and checked on me she said she thinks the cause of my high BP is rushing around and getting ready. She once again told me to do nothing, but lay down all day. No shopping or anything.
Also my Glucose test came back negative, but I am really low on iron. I am now taking two Slow FE pills a day.
Anyways back to appts!
Had another OB appt on May 20th. My BP this time was 132/72. Once again she reiterated for me to be "the laziest lazy person ever". She also said that because of the weights of my babies at any given appt with my Peri he can tell me that the babies are being delivered that day. Needless to say I went home and got my hospital bag ready and told my husband to wash the bassinet and bouncy chair fabrics.
The Next day on May 21st was another Peri appt, only I was only seeing the ultrasound tech not the Dr. because he was out of the office for the day. Well I was exactly 31wks and Baby A was 3.3lbs and Baby B was 3.12lbs. My cervix is still measuring long, in the 3cm area. The only thing is the tech saw a bit of fluid in the cervix which she advised me can be nothing or can be a sign of funneling so we will watch that. Once again blood flow to both babies is great and the fluids are measuring good. I go back to see them on the 4th of June which will be 33wks.
And lastly I got a call from my OB 2 days after my Peri appt. I must say when I saw her name come up on my phone I thought to myself "shit I am going in to give birth today", but she just asked me if the Peri Dr had discussed doing NST's with me. I told her I only saw the tech as the Dr was out of the office. She said that the Peri had said he wanted me to go in for NST's every 4-5days so she was going to schedule me for Sunday at the hospital. So another thing to add to my list of appts every week!
As you can see nothing to bad has happened as of yet, but it is definitely getting more real this trimester. On that note here are some belly pics and I will try to update after my 32wk Ob appt this Tuesday the 28th.
So this is actually a 29wk belly shot. I think I have popped even more since then, but I will update on Tuesday when I am 32wks!
And this one was taken just last week while I was sitting down.